Wizzart Animation is a leading animation studio renowned for its innovative and captivating storytelling. With a focus on creativity and quality, Wizzart Animation stands out as a trusted name in the animation industry, dedicated to bringing imagination to life on screen.
Wizzart Animation boasts a talented team of character designers dedicated to bringing captivating and unique characters to life. Wizzart Animation is recognized for its distinctive style and ability to create iconic characters that leave a lasting impression on viewers worldwide.
Founded in 2018, Wizzart Animation is a passionate team of creative minds, animators, and storytellers dedicated to pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. With a wealth of experience in the animation industry, we have crafted a diverse portfolio of work.
Our mission is to create memorable and impactful animations that not only entertain but also leave a lasting impression. We strive to be at the forefront of innovation, embracing new technologies and storytelling techniques to deliver animations that captivate, inspire, and resonate with audiences of all ages.
• There will be a Yearly Tour and Picnic arranged by the company to boost your personal and work life balance.
• Twice a year there will be a Lunch invitation to a lavish meal at a restaurant for some extra enjoyments.
• The company will provide a 10% Puja Bonus to each individual for their last two months output.
• The Company will provide 10 days of Paid Leaves to the ones getting Married which sums up to Rs.500/- Per Day.
• The Company will provide 15 days of paid Maternity leave which will sum up to Rs.500/- Per Day
• If one is in the need of a Loan on an urgent basis the company will be providing them up to Rs.50,000/- with zero interest rate. (Conditions Applied)
• There will be free internet provide to all employees who are working from their homes to run the production smoothly.
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© 2023 Crafted By karigaar